licorice extract powder, licorice extract paste, extract blocks, root powder, extract granules, extract nuggets, licorice DGL and licorice roots are available.
Licorice DGL
licorice DGL (deglycyrrhizinated licorice) is one of the specialized licorice products. It contains less glycyrrhizin. It is suitable for people suffering from high blood pressure, peptic ulcers, and diabetes. It is mainly used in industries such as chocolate, pharmaceutical, confectionery, food, child nutrition and pet food. HGL (High Glycyrrhizinated Licorice) is the other product obtained
- CLIENT Sepidan Osareh Jonoob Co.
- CATEGORY licorice Extract Products
- TAGS licorice dgl
Liquorice Root
natural and high-quality licorice roots are cleaned, dried and powdered by modern instruments. Licorice root powder is used in making tea bags, medicinal syrups, and other traditional beverages. It has some benefits for our health, for example it is helpful for adrenal and kidneys.
- CLIENT Sepidan Osareh Jonoob Co.
- CATEGORY licorice Extract Products
- TAGS licorice root
Licorice Root Powder
natural and high-quality licorice roots are cleaned, dried and powdered by modern instruments. Licorice root powder is used in making tea bags, medicinal syrups, and other traditional beverages. It has some benefits for our health, for example it is helpful for adrenal and kidneys.
- CLIENT Sepidan Osareh Jonoob Co.
- CATEGORY licorice Extract Products
- TAGS licorice Root Powder
Licorice Extract Nuggets
By using modern technology, licorice extract can be transformed into very small pieces. Licorice Extract Granules are soluble in water. The taste and flavor are super strong. It is mainly consumed in pharmaceutical industry. It is widely used in drugs and medicines for treatment of various diseases. Moreover, it is limitedly used in veterinary.
- CLIENT Sepidan Osareh Jonoob Co.
- CATEGORY licorice Extract Products
- TAGS licorice nuggets , liquorice nuggets
Licorice Extract Granules
By using modern technology, licorice extract can be transformed into very small pieces. Licorice Extract Granules are soluble in water. The taste and flavor are super strong. It is mainly consumed in pharmaceutical industry. It is widely used in drugs and medicines for treatment of various diseases. Moreover, it is limitedly used in veterinary.
- CLIENT Sepidan Osareh Jonoob Co.
- CATEGORY licorice Extract Products
- TAGS licorice granules , liquorice granules
Licorice Extract Blocks
Licorice roots are extracted by using modern machinery and at a suitable temperature. After concentration process, licorice extract blocks are obtained. Confectionary, cosmetics, chocolate, pharmaceutical and tobacco industries are the main consumers of this product. Its color is black and the taste is bitter-sweet.
- CLIENT Sepidan Osareh Jonoob Co.
- CATEGORY licorice Extract Products
- TAGS licorice blocks , liquorice blocks
Licorcie Extract Powder
Natural licorice roots are gathered and after cleaning, drying and grinding, through extraction process and by using 17 P.P.M mineral water, they turn into licorice extract powder. It is absolutely natural without any artificial substance. The color is yellowish brown and it is soluble in water. It is mostly used in cosmetics as an anti-aging
- CLIENT Sepidan Osareh Jonoob Co.
- CATEGORY licorice Extract Products
- TAGS licorice powder , Liquorice Powder
Licorice extract paste
licorice extract paste is produced out of concentrated extract of licorice root. Some industries prefer to use licorice extract paste. Licorice paste is soluble in water. Because of its soft and semi liquid texture, licorice extract paste is popular in tobacco, confectionery and food industries. It has lower viscosity. Licorice paste properties can simplify the
- CLIENT Sepidan Osareh Jonoob Co.
- CATEGORY licorice Extract Products
- TAGS licorice liquid , licorice paste